Sunday, September 7, 2008

"leader of the packets"

Grabbed some dinner at the Athina Grill the other day. It was good, but I've already told you about that. No, the interesting part was the ketchup. It was wearing sunglasses and a leather jacket.

Heinz Ketchup 'leader of the packets'
What the fuck? Seriously.

I was a bit weirded out.

I don't know to whom they are trying to appeal. I'm not sure they do either. I'm reminded quite strongly of Poochie; but that at least had the advantage of being fiction.

Continuing to the back side, we are informed of an interesting fact about kangaroos. Four times. Apparently Heinz cooks it's ketchup in the Overlook Hotel.

All work and no play makes a newborn kangaroo about 1 inch in length.
All work and no play makes a newborn kangaroo about 1 inch in length.
All work and no play makes a newborn kangaroo about 1 inch in length.
All work and no play makes a newborn kangaroo about 1 inch in length.

How is this related to anything? Kangaroos are "leaders of the pouches"? Maybe they thought mr. ketchup, or whatever his name is, looked like kangaroo jack?

I don't really know why this affected me so much. Maybe 'cool' ketchup is full of goofballs. Who knows.

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